Bioecological Studies in Penguins and Skuas (PROANTAR Project): Divulgation and Outreach Proposal
Apresentado originalmente na SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos-Aires, 3-6 August 2010
Tainá Luccas, Miriam H. Almeida, Erli S. Costa, Larissa S.T. Cunha, João Paulo M. Torres
Abstract: Nowadays the successful execution of scientific projects depends on the strong integration of the projects with scientific divulgation on the base of education, outreach and communication aspects. The project “Bio-ecological studies in penguins and skuas” proposes to contemplate a number of education, outreach and communication activities which are directed to the divulgation of the project’s research results and foresees, among other activities: 1) The creation and periodic updating of an interactive web-site ( with disclosure material for educators, students and the general public; 2) The creation of a documentary video of the research activities in Antarctica and the laboratory analyses developed by all institutions involved in the project; 3) The designing and divulgation of educational material made available at no charge for schools all over the country, including interdisciplinary activities (initially for English and Biology teaching); 4) The organization of a workshop, lectures, disclosure texts, interviews, reports, and other activities that will bring the project members in direct contact with the public. Through these activities this project aims to accomplish a wide disclosure of its scientific activities and to stimulate the participation of students in all levels of education, educators and the whole community, in a way that will effectively contribute with relevant educational aspects, bringing up important matters for the Brazilian society and promoting a wide debate about them. (This work was supported by The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazilian Antarctic Program and Ministry of Science and Technology (CNPq/MCT 557049/2009-1). ESC received a CNPq fellowship (141474/2008-4).
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